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Image of Marit Ginevro

Marit Ginevro

Head of Marketing
at Var
In three words: Driven, focused, less is more
cup of coffee
Cappuccino, without milk, only in the morning. After dinner: espresso, black, without sugar. After all, I am a full-blooded Italian , and we don't mess with coffee ;-)
This interview has been translated, the original language is: Dutch

Short introduction

What are you proud of?
Ernesto, my sixteen year old son :)
In your free time, what do you like to do most?
Spend quality time with my parents
Did you know that I…
I am an ardent advocate of equal rights for women?
Where would you go in a time machine and with whom/why?
To Renaissance times, with Leonardo da Vinci

Marit's Recommendations

What is your favourite movie?
Poor Things
What book would you recommend?
Munt by Richard Osinga
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Nenu in Ixelles!

Last but not least

What is your favourite quote?
Don't go for mediocre (Seth Godin)
Who would you like to see in this section?
Gino Baeck
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