Privacy statement

In this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”), we explain how we collect, manage, store, and otherwise process your personal data through the website http//, one of its subdomains, or another part of the Retriever platform (the “Platform”). By continuing to use the Platform, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Data Controller

The entity acting as the controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) for the processing activities described in this Privacy Policy is:

Retriever Media Information B.V. (“we” or “us”):
Retriever Belgium
Louizalaan 54 Avenue Louise
B-1050 Brussels
+32 (0)2 893 00 52
BE 0775.989.310

When do we collect your data?

We process your personal data if:

  • Your employer creates an account for you on the Platform;
  • You activate or use your account via the Platform;
  • You visit our website or use another part of the Platform; and
  • You register, or are registered, for our newsletter.

We also collect data that is automatically generated during your use of the Platform. In addition to logging your activities, we also use cookies to analyze your use of our Platform. These include the following cookies:

  • Google Analytics
  • Retriever log files

For more information about our use of cookies, see the section “Cookies”.

What personal data do we process?

If you use the Platform, we process data via standard server logs. This data includes your:

  • IP (Internet Protocol) Address,
  • Username (this is the same as your email address),
  • Browser Type,
  • Operating System, and
  • other data, such as the type of search query, the search results, the files you load and/or download, the domains of the Platform you visit, and the date and time you perform these actions;

If you register, or are registered, for the Platform, we process, among others, the following data about you:

  • Name;
  • Email address;
  • Business phone number;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • Employer;
  • Job title;
  • Relevant previous positions;
  • LinkedIn account;

If you register, or are registered, for our newsletter, we process the following data about you:

  • Name;
  • (Business) email address; and if you have shared this with us:
  • Employer;

What are the purposes of collecting your data?

We process predetermined data for the following specified purposes:

  1. To enable you to use the Platform. For this, we process at least your email address;
  2. To inform you in the event of a service incident. For this, we process at least your email address and/or your phone number;
  3. Usage reports to employers. For this, we process at least your first and last name and email address;
  4. To prevent and combat misuse of the Platform. For this, we process at least your IP address, name, email address, and the date and time of your interaction with the Platform;
  5. To develop, maintain, and improve the Platform and its user experience. For this, we process, among other things, your IP address, email address, and data about your browsing behavior, such as your search queries, search results, browser settings, the files you have viewed and/or downloaded, and the use of referrals (hyperlinks);
  6. To tailor the Platform as much as possible to your preferences. For this, we process at least your IP address and email address;
  7. To promote our Platform. For this, we process at least your email address;
  8. To comply with our legal obligations, such as the obligation to retain certain personal data or to provide it to third parties or authorities (only if we are legally obliged to do so). For this, we process at least your name.
  9. To register for our newsletter. For this, we process at least your email address.

What legal grounds are the processing activities based on?

Under the GDPR, personal data may only be processed if there is a legal basis for it, as set out in Article 6 GDPR. For the processing activities carried out for the above purposes under 1 to 8, we rely on the following legal grounds:

  • Performance of the contract: The purposes under 1, 2, 3, and 6.
  • A legal obligation: The purpose under 8.
  • The legitimate interests of Retriever: The purposes under 4, 5, and 7.
  • Informed consent: The purpose under 9.

Your rights: access, correction, transfer, objection, restriction, and deletion

You have the right under the GDPR to access, correct, transfer, and delete the personal data we collect and store about you through the Platform. You must make your request for access, correction, transfer, objection, restriction, or deletion of data known to us, stating your name, contact details, and email address. Once we have been able to establish your identity, we will, in principle, respond to your request within 30 days.

You can contact us by calling tel:+32 (0)2 893 00 52, or by emailing if you:

  • Wish to be informed about the personal data we process about you;
  • Wish to exercise the above-mentioned rights;
  • Have any other questions related to our Privacy Policy.

Who may receive and use your data?

Your data is used by our employees and the employees of affiliated entities and subcontractors when you use the Platform, as set out in this Privacy Policy. We ensure that our employees only have access to your data to the extent necessary to perform their duties.

Publishers and operators

Participating publishers and operators have the right to view the data we use in the media tool of the contact persons they have specified. Publishers can log in to their service page and view and, if desired, edit the data of their employees.

If we share your personal data with third parties (such as subcontractors or other service providers), we require those parties to process your personal data confidentially and securely and to use the data solely to provide us with the agreed products or services.

Retriever subscribers

Companies and relationships (employers) with a subscription have the right to view the contact details and log files we maintain of their own employees.

In certain cases, we may be legally obliged to transfer personal data to third parties or authorities.

Referral to other websites

You can be referred to other websites via a hyperlink or another reference on the Platform. This Privacy Policy does not apply to these websites. Therefore, read the privacy policy of these websites carefully, as it may differ from this Privacy Policy. Websites referred to include: X, LinkedIn, Facebook / Instagram.

How do we store your data?

Your personal data may be stored outside the Netherlands and/or outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). This is because we use third parties for storage and other ICT services. We strive to use only third parties that respect your privacy and, when we use and enter into agreements with providers of such services, we commit to binding them to the applicable data protection laws and regulations. The sole purpose of processing your data by a storage service provider is to store your personal data. No other processing activities will be applied to your data.

Security and retention period

We ensure that your data is adequately secured so that your data is protected against unauthorized use, unauthorized access, alteration, and unlawful destruction. Your data is retained for as long as necessary for the purposes mentioned above or to the extent necessary to comply with legal obligations and to resolve any disputes.

Mandatory data breach notification

A Data Breach is a security vulnerability of personal data that leads to an (increased risk of) accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data that is transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.

If we become aware of a Data Breach within our systems, we will immediately take all necessary actions to prevent the Data Breach from continuing. We will also assess the severity of the Data Breach, based in part on (i) the likelihood that your data has actually been leaked, (ii) the duration of the Data Breach, (iii) the categories of compromised data that may have been leaked, and (iv) the impact on you if the data is made public. Based on the severity of the data breach, we will decide whether it is necessary to notify the Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) and possibly you.


As mentioned above, one of the techniques we use to collect personal data is the use of cookies; small files that contain information about your use of the Platform, aimed at analyzing trends and usage of, among other things, the website, and improving the user experience of the Platform.

We use Google Analytics to measure and analyze user information. This information contains data about the most visited pages, the average duration of each visit to the Platform, which browsers are most used, etc. The information is not used to identify individual users of the Platform.

We use functional cookies to ensure that the Platform works properly and to provide you with a pleasant user experience.

We use social media like X and LinkedIn on the Platform. These social media providers may also use cookies, for example, to measure your 'click behavior.'

To learn more about this, visit the websites of the respective social media providers.

Privacy Statement Retriever Media Information B.V. – August 4, 2024