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Image of Peter de Vester

Peter de Vester

Sales Manager
In three words: empathetic, creative, solution-oriented
cup of coffee
Like with milk and a piece of chocolate (dark)
This interview has been translated, the original language is: Dutch

Short introduction

What are you proud of?
Next year it will be 25 years since I married my beautiful wife Cris. The years have gone by in the blink of an eye, so it's always nice to linger over them for a while.
In your free time, what do you like to do most?
Crosswords. When I'm working on the weekly 'linked letters crossword' in TV Primo, it's best not to disturb me.
Did you know that I…
I was once president of a football club (with 14 teams) for five years without ever having been on a football pitch?
Where would you go in a time machine and with whom/why?
I'd go back to my youth and my years with Olse Handbal (1975-1980). Our team was always there: before, during and especially after the match 😉

Peter's Recommendations

What is your favourite movie?
Out of Africa: what a cast (Maryl Streep and Robert Redford), the spirit of the era, the images, the music, the story... And at the end, wet eyes, guaranteed
What book would you recommend?
In my case, it's comic books in the library. My favourites include Thorgal, Samurai and Bob et Bobette's Série bleue.
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Pour moi, manger italien est toujours synonyme de régal. Et lorsqu’un restaurant a au menu une portion de croquettes de crevettes faites maison, c’est l’étalon absolu pour mon attribution d’étoiles.
Do you have another cool tip for us?
Two people peeling prawns, with a glass of chilled rosé wine to hand. Total relaxation.

Last but not least

What is your favourite quote?
The river can only make the land fertile when it goes beyond its banks. (Self-invented :-))
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