NEW: CIM reach figures and title profiles in database

CIM  & Retriever Media Informatie

Retriever is now publishing the key figures from CIM (Center for Information on the Media) press coverage survey in the media database. CIM is the reference for information on the reach, profile and use of media in Belgium. Retriever publishes in the media database the CIM reach figures and title profiles. The current profiles and reach figures refer to CIM NRS 2019-2020. The new figures will appear in October 2022 and cover the period November 2021-June 2022. Once received, they will be processed in the media database. Through the collaboration with CIM, users get quick insight into the reach and profiles of the most important print brands.

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Image of Marit Ginevro
Marit Ginevro
Head of Marketing at Var
In three words: Driven, focused, less is more
cup of coffee
Cappuccino, without milk, only in the morning. After dinner: espresso, black, without sugar. After all, I am a full-blooded Italian , and we don't mess with coffee ;-)

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