Feeling Wonen and Stijlvol Wonen are merging to continue as Stijlvol Wonen

Stijlvol Wonen

At the end of August, DPG Media will consolidate the titles Feeling Wonen and Stijlvol Wonen into a single publication, Stijlvol Wonen. with a circulation of 15,000 copies. The base rate for a full page in Stijlvol Wonen currently stands at €3,328. In August, when Feeling Wonen and Stijlvol Wonen merge, this rate may be adjusted. All information can be found in the Retrievermedia.be database.

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Image of Marit Ginevro
Marit Ginevro
Head of Marketing at Var
In three words: Driven, focused, less is more
cup of coffee
Cappuccino, without milk, only in the morning. After dinner: espresso, black, without sugar. After all, I am a full-blooded Italian , and we don't mess with coffee ;-)

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