PMG acquires three Roularta trade magazines

Grafisch Nieuws, Verpakking & Label en Media & Communication

From 1 August, three Roularta Media Group trade magazines will change hands. Grafisch Nieuws, Packaging & Label and Media & Communication will then be taken over by Professional Media Group (PMG).

Each is a specialist magazine of a particularly technical and sectoral nature. The experienced Belgian publisher – active for 42 years, with 30 titles in 9 sectors – focuses specifically on strongly delineated professional target groups.

This makes the acquisition of Grafisch Nieuws, Verpakking & Label and Media & Communication a judicious strategic move in the growth policy of PMG, which in recent decades has developed from a classic print publisher into a multimedia group with a specialised portfolio.

All info on the three trade magazines on

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Image of Pia De Quint
Pia De Quint
General manager at Business Media
In three words: Entrepreneurial, pragmatic, and creative.
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Black with one Canderel, please.

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