Retriever Applied Training Courses Now Available in Belgium and in English!

Retriever training "Introductie mediaplanning"

Retriever offers applied training courses in addition to its extensive media database. For more than 12 years, we have organised the high-quality small-scale one-day training course "Introductie Mediaplanning" in the Netherlands. From September, this highly appreciated and popular training will also be available on the Belgian market.

During this one-day training course, all steps of the media planning process are gone through. Afterwards, participants are familiar with all factors that influence a successful media campaign.

The "Introduction to Media Planning" training course can also be taken as an in-company training course. This offers the perfect opportunity to get the whole team up to the same level of knowledge in one go. Moreover, the training can be organized at a time and location most convenient for the company.

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Gabriel Goldberg
Business Mentor | Entrepreneur | Investor | ex-Google | Public Speaker at HAKACIA
In three words: Vision, Strategy, Connecting
cup of coffee
I love coffee. To fully appreciate its aromas, I have it as a strong espresso, without sugar, of course.

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