Vzw Streekradios plays the Radio MIG card and stops with SU fm


On March 31st, vernacular radio station SU fm in Ninove and Geraardsbergen ceased broadcasting. The other regional station in ASBL Streekradio’s portfolio, Radio MIG, will continue to serve its strong listener base. Hence, the focus is on strengthening MIG through a new brand image, including new jingles and a fresh logo, a new musical mix and professional voices.

Since 1981, MIG community radio has covered all sections of the population of Geraardsbergen, Ninove and Zottegem, bringing a mix of contemporary music and hit songs, complemented by everything that's happening or is on offer in the region. It is a financially sound station that values strong and flexible partnerships with advertisers.

Full details are available at Retrievermedia.be.

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Pia De Quint
General manager at Business Media
In three words: Entrepreneurial, pragmatic, and creative.
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Black with one Canderel, please.

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