Meet the professionals…
It’s the people who make the difference. For the client, they provide that little extra effort or set that little extra something that makes a campaign more surprising or relevant. So come and meet the people who make the media business so unique!
Image of Bjorn Verhoeven

Bjorn Verhoeven

Auditief merkenbouwer - Constructeur de marques auditives
In three words: Dynamic-creative-enthusiastic
cup of coffee
black & hot... No less than an artisan bean... You really taste the passion of many local coffee roasters
This interview has been translated, the original language is: Dutch

Short introduction

What are you proud of?
Even though I have been in national media for 25 years. I have always believed in the power of regional. People who appreciate local information and local connection will also shop locally. A micro market with an old product, radio. Radio will continue to decline was said since 1990 but the opposite is being proven. Good radio, close to the people but also podcast, so actually audio in all its forms is more important today than ever. You speak to any device with audio, you'd rather listen than read.... So I am proud to have always believed in regional radio and now more than ever. Where everything is becoming more distant, regional radio is close by. I am delighted with my team to now market 7 great professional and complementary radio brands to really make everyone happy again with their/their radio.
In your free time, what do you like to do most?
A good conversation with friends over a nice glass of wine makes the daily drive just that little bit more enjoyable. Philosophising from politics to behaviour. That's what makes a person more fun and better.
Did you know that I…
I was there at the inception of K3?
Where would you go in a time machine and with whom/why?
Marconi's radio experiments or the tests on the Eiffel Tower have always captured my imagination. How wonderful it is that for the first time you say something into a microphone and get an answer from England. The first and fastest communication came from radio and its experiments by Marconi and on the Eiffel Tower. By the way, did you know that the Eifel Tower would be demolished 5 years after the World's Fair? The only fact that saved this magnificent structure was that it served as a radio transmission mast. Wonderful right... You see, radio will always survive

Bjorn's Recommendations

What is your favourite movie?
Safety instructions on the plane to Greece
What book would you recommend?
"Never discount" by Jos Burgers, now from €17.95 for €19.95
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Salon It was called the Tuilier Pavilion when it was erected for the 1958 World's Fair in Brussels. A unique place named André Waterkeyn, the engineer who devised the Atomium. This gigantic dome was built and experienced mixed fortunes in recent years. It was only in 2002 that this now listed and protected building was born under the colours of a new Resto-Bar concept like no other. The cutlery and menus are still the same as in 1958 ... A beautiful nostalgic place.
Do you have another cool tip for us? I am a Limburger at heart and liver so nature and the beautiful surroundings and places to explore are of course part of it then. For instance, I can recommend taking a walk on Connectera. Or how Limburg's mining past has left its impact on the area. Old meets New, history meets future.... And the walk will do you good.

Last but not least

What is your favourite quote?
"If you cannot share, you cannot multiply," and for all the KPI-driven managers in the world: "Set the bar high enough, and you can happily pass underneath it."
Who would you like to see in this section?
Marc Coucke? Frederik Delaplace? Christian Van Thillo? Or other people who have always believed the power and impact of media...
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