Primetime Directing adds luster to its portfolio with six new titles

Primetime regie

Primetime Regie, the saleshouse of Leuven-based communication group Primetime Group, is expanding its portfolio. In addition to women's magazine Ferm, the group has welcomed six new clients.

From now on, the saleshouse will handle the marketing of the magazines and newsletters of Gezinsbond, namely De Bond, Brieven aan Jonge Ouders and GROOTouders; of the magazine Femma and the newsletter published by Femma Wereldvrouwen; of Markant’s Markant Magazine and newsletter, as well as Artemis’ newsletter and, finally, the magazine RAAK and the newsletters of the KWB (Kristelijke WerknemersBeweging). Together, the titles account for an on- and offline reach of 1,160,182 readers on average.

Primetime Regie is thus able to offer advertisers a wider and more diverse range of opportunities to reach target audiences in a highly targeted way. The previous saleshouse was the now defunct Publicarto.

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Pia De Quint
General manager at Business Media
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