Transfer embraces versatility and becomes Transfer Media


Henceforth, Saleshouse Transfer will listen to the name Transfer Media. The change ensures a welcome refresh of the brand identity, with a more accurate and stronger expression of the extensive expertise Transfer Media stands for today.

Founded 13 years ago with a focus on (thematic) television, the saleshouse has since developed into a versatile player representing a wide range of media: television, cinema, digital and radio, both in the north and south of Belgium. A sample of that offering: Disney Channel, Eleven/DAZN Sports, Studio 100 TV, Kanaal Z/Canal Z, MTV, National Geographic, Nickelodeon, Pickx+, Pickx+ Sports, the list goes on. Since 2021, Transfer – now Transfer Media – commercialises the various cinema complexes of UGC Belgium. Since April 2024, the saleshouse also represents some 45 regional radio broadcasters (read also

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Meet the professionals…

Image of Marit Ginevro
Marit Ginevro
Head of Marketing at Var
In three words: Driven, focused, less is more
cup of coffee
Cappuccino, without milk, only in the morning. After dinner: espresso, black, without sugar. After all, I am a full-blooded Italian , and we don't mess with coffee ;-)

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