Homerun deploys a brand new DOOH network: Choeke


Uccle-based Homerun has already made a name for itself with its Moohzaik display network. Now it's expanding its offering with a powerful and disruptive new DOOH network: Choeke.

For an unrivalled CPM, Choeke mainly offers locations at busy urban nodes with high levels of traffic (pedestrians, public transport and cars), so that waiting times translate into longer exposure times to the medium.

Above all, Choeke covers areas not served by the major networks, such as the European Quarter in Brussels and other areas of the capital. By the end of the year, the roll-out should involve a total of 20 well-exposed screens in Belgium's main cities.

To date, the network with 7 screens has recorded a total of 714,000 contacts over 2 weeks, including 458,000 unique contacts, yielding an OTS of 1.55 and an average CPM of €4.90 (2 weeks) or €4.41 (4 weeks).

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Image of Marit Ginevro
Marit Ginevro
Head of Marketing at Var
In three words: Driven, focused, less is more
cup of coffee
Cappuccino, without milk, only in the morning. After dinner: espresso, black, without sugar. After all, I am a full-blooded Italian , and we don't mess with coffee ;-)

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